Tuesday, April 29, 2008

March 26, 2007

Greetings clones, I hope this beautiful March weather is exciting you as much as it excites me. March Madness is upon us and I’m not talking college hoops either. My NCAA bracket has already been burned and leaves with me about the same chance of winning my pool as Michael Matuszak has appearing in this tournament and actually winning a play-in game. However, the same can’t be said about my SBPL March Madness bracket. Like always I’ll breakdown the tourney and make a couple bold predictions that normally turn out correct. Last tourney I correctly picked the winner and even made an ass of myself by predicting an average outing from myself and ended up winning one game (against the girls). While I’m on that topic let's discuss a very bold prediction from yours truly way back in the opening of the SBPL, and I quote “in the event of an All Nancy team facing off against an all girl’s team, the girl’s team will win a tournament game in the SBPL.” I took a lot of shit, but Karma's a bitch, and after last tourney, Tolley’s belt slapping across all your white asses after losing to an all girls team pretty much proved my point. I went out on a limb and stood by my prediction so I think I’ll do it again. The impressive skilled shooting Katy Buman and veteran SBPLer Noell Vanden Heuvel will outshoot enough teams to make the Big Dance bracket. Since there is 13 teams as of now I’m going to pick my 12 and say there will be no Mexicans in this tourney and Vega will be selling Nacho Supremes instead of playing in this tourney (and that was putting it nicely compared to Murphy’s 20 min stint on why he was cut from the basketball team and how bad his mom is in the sack). Let’s start with the Small conference teams that are here to turn some heads and maybe even become the greatest Cinderella team in SBPL history.
I have never seen Zac’s partner play and after a sub par performance in the KKK from Zac I can’t see this team living up to their potential. Shaun and Claude, welp they have played beer pong as long as anyone else in this tourney and would most likely give them an edge but unless Claude can somehow gain his magical shirtless momentum in every game and Shaun plays the opposite of every game he’s ever played in then maybe, just maybe this team turns some heads. Last tourney we all witnessed two teams that needed to win a tiebreaker to make the bracket and took their average records into the playoffs. Gregg/Blake won the close games they needed but Gregg’s one cup maven skills make this team so good at times but so inconsistent at others. Same with Roffers/Jayke they started horrible and caught some fire and rode it to a decent finish last tourney. These two teams are tough as hell at times and inconsistent at others, there a hit or miss and all a team can do is hope their inconsistent when playing these 2 teams. As far as the remaining Mid-Major teams such as Bridges/Kerk and the Mullens a.k.a “the young guns” these two teams will cause a lot of trouble for the powerhouses and I will even go as far as saying these teams will be the reason the same teams that dominated Kings of Cup will be packing up their dirty 30’s a little earlier than they planned. The next team I know a lot about, Myself/Schuh this team has played together at random SBPL outings and beaten teams like Zahny/Kyle and Joe/Buman that is why they will win this tourney…pause…not. But honestly I know better than to bet on myself and know that first time teams in SBPL have not shown to succeed in tourneys. However team chemistry is not an issue here and this team does have a decent chance of playing in the championship game.
On to Powerhouses. The defending champs Tolley/Dan have been taking a lot of heat from the league and even being called out as overrated. First of all, is this team the best in this tourney? Statistically yes they are, they get the job done and have shown more success than any other team this year. They are not overrated and are the definition of supremacy after the last tournament. I know what you’re saying out there Denny Green, they are who they are and if you wanna crown their asses then crown them. But I’m here to inform you their crown will not fit this tournament because their heads are about as big as a fricken watermellon and not to point fingers (Dan) but your enormously large Ego will only leave you disappointed when you fall short of defending your sacred championship belts. Joe/Buman was my pick for last tourney and has been very streaky as of late. Either way they have something about them that make you feel like you’re an underdog anytime you step into the ring against this team. However, this team just hasn’t been their self as of late and all though I know they will be crowned champs somewhere down the road I just don’t see this team getting the job done this tourney. Last tourney we saw a team dominate their pool and not even skip a beat in their path to a seemingly dominant and easy run at gold. Then all of a sudden the wheels came rolling off and this powerhouse duo Kyle/Zahny found themselves losing 2 consecutive championship games by a considerable deficit. This is why my prediction is the team that went undefeated all the way up to the championship, the only difference is they will call in Francisco Cordero a little earlier and close this tourney out victorious.
My final thoughts: This tourney will play out a lot like the current NCAA tourney no glass slippers and no surprise champions, but like all SBPL tourneys their will be many exciting upsets, finishes and end of the night hookups. I’d like to add that outlawing blowing, the most controversial rule since the tuck rule in the historic AFC championship, is the best progress made in the history of SBPL and will award players for clutch shooting, speed up games, and most obviously leave no room for controversy. Drop me an opinion on the message board and prove me wrong by winning the most prestigious award this side of the covenant Iron Man competition held by Jeff Zahn.
I also want to know what everyone thinks about Team pong tourney (4 on 4 every player has 6 cups) Co-ed tourney and other forms of beer pong action. I also think we should expand on the SBPL business aspect and continue to gain revenue at tourneys; food, raffles and shots seem like a good way to go.
This is your SBPL Columnist Eric Truyman signing out, good luck everyone in the tourney and voter #12 you are a disgrace to our league and I got 2 words for ya…..Suck It. Welp see ya later

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